# Controllers in QloApps

A Controller handles and keeps up to date, synchronization events between the View and the Model in an MVC architecture. It is responsible for handling all events and performs actions to be taken. If an action is required to modify data, the Controller will "ask" the Model to adjust the data, and the Model will then inform the View that the data has been modified so that the View itself can be updated.

In reality, all QloApps controllers override the Controller class via another inheriting class:

  • AdminController
  • FrontController

You can find these in the folder /classes/controller.

# The FrontController class

Class' characteristics are mentioned below:

Property Description
$template Template name for page content.
$css_files Array list of CSS files.
$js_files Array list of JavaScript files.
$errors Array of errors that have occurred.
$guestAllowed Whether a signed-out customer can access the page.
$initialized Whether the init() function has been called.
$iso The ISO code of the currently selected language.
$n The number of items per page.
$orderBy The field used to sort.
$orderWay Whether the sort is ascending or descending (ASC or DESC).
$p Current number of the page.
$ajax If the ajax parameter is detected in request, set this flag to true.

# Execution order of the controllers' functions

  1. _contruct(): Sets all the controller's member variables.
  2. init(): Initializes the controller.
  3. setMedia() or setMobileMedia(): Adds all JavaScript and CSS specifics to the page so that they can be combined, compressed and cached (see QloApps's CCC tool, in the back office "Performance" page, under the "Advanced preferences" menu).
  4. postProcess(): Handles ajaxProcess.
  5. initHeader(): Called before initContent().
  6. initContent(): Initializes the content.
  7. initFooter(): Called after initContent().
  8. display() or displayAjax(): Displays the content for page for page or ajax request. For all ajax requests displayAjax() is used instead.

# Existing front office controllers

Below are the default controllers, as well as the theme files used by them.

Controller's Filename Description
AddressController.php Used to edit a customer's address.
AuthController.php Used for customer login.
CartController.php Used to manage the customer's cart.
CategoryController Used to display search results page.
CmsController.php Used to get a CMS page.
ContactController.php Used to send service messages.
DiscountController.php Used to get a customer's vouchers.
GuestTrackingController.php Used to manage guest orders.
HistoryController.php Used to get a customer's orders.
IdentityController.php Used to edit customer's personal info.
IndexController.php Used to display the homepage.
MyAccountController.php Used to manage customer account.
OrderConfirmationController.php Used for order confirmation.
OrderDetailController.php Used to get a customer order.
OrderFollowController.php Used to get a customer's returns.
OrderOpcController.php Used to manage one-page checkout.
OrderReturnController.php Used to manage booking cancellations.
OrderSlipController.php Used to get a customer's credit slips.
PageNotFoundController.php Used to display the "Page not found" page.
ParentOrderController.php Manages shared order code.
PasswordController.php Used to reset a lost password.
PdfInvoiceController.php Used to generate invoice PDF files.
PdfOrderSlipController.php Used to generate credit slip PDF files.
ProductController.php Used to display a room type page.
SearchController.php Used to display search results.
SitemapController.php Used to display the sitemap.

# The AdminController class

Class' characteristics are mentioned below:

Property Description
$controller_name Name of the controller.
$css_files Array list of CSS files.
$js_files Array list of JavaScript files.
$errors Array of errors that have occurred.
$token Admin tokens to verify request authenticity.
$table Table used by controller to access data .
$className Class name to with table object model.
$ajax If the ajax parameter is detected in request, set this flag to true.

# Execution order of the controllers' functions

  1. _contruct(): Sets all the controller's member variables.
  2. init(): Initializes the controller.
  3. setMedia() or setMobileMedia(): Adds all JavaScript and CSS specifics to the page so that they can be combined, compressed and cached (see QloApps's CCC tool, in the back office "Performance" page, under the "Advanced preferences" menu).
  4. postProcess(): Handles ajaxProcess.
  5. initHeader(): Called before initContent().
  6. initContent(): Initializes the content.
  7. initFooter(): Called after initContent().
  8. display(): Displays the content for page for page.

# Overriding a controller

Thanks to object inheritance, you can adjust the behaviors of a controller, or add some new ones.

QloApps controllers are all stored in the /controllers folder, and use the "Core" suffix.

For instance, when working with the Category controller:

  • File: /controllers/CategoryController.php
  • Class: CategoryControllerCore

For overriding a controller, first you have to build a new class without the "Core" suffix, and place its file in the /override/controllers folder.

For example, when the Category Controller is overridden:

  • File: /override/controllers/front/CategoryController.php
  • Class: CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore

Now to override core class method, redefine the method in the parent class again in the child class.

class CategoryController extends CategoryControllerCore
    public function initContent()
        //your logic here
        if ($this->category->active) {
            $this->context->smarty->assign('category_active', true);

Classes can be overridden same as controller.

Module Override To override a module class place the class in override folder as it as the exists in QloApps folder.